The Orca Tour photo gallery

September 27th, 2019
The Orca skate tour

In May 2019 five Swedes flew from one kingdom to a republic. The good reputation of Wheels of Fortune had reached the small country in the north and a trip was arranged to visit it.

As plans were forming it was decided to increase the number of days and as a final stop, visit the Vancouver contest Stop, Drop, and Roll. Those days between the two events are called The Orca Tour.

The northwest border of Canada and the US enjoys a stunning scenery. Small islands, big mountains and perhaps some orcas will pass by as the ferries navigate through the area. Living in a tent, the Swedes had several encounters with deers, mystiques and once saw a bear.

The photos below show our home (the tent), some skate tricks and other funny photos as we survived the wilderness. A major thank you to WoF, Stop, Drop, and Roll and the many encounters we enjoyed with friendly Canadians and Americans.

Team Sweden ready for the Wheels of Fortune Witch Hunt
Team Sweden ready for the Wheels of Fortune Witch Hunt
Emma Fastesson Lindgren getting crooked
Emma getting crooked
Johanna Juzelius
Johanna with the flick
A place to call home
Johanna Juzelius
Jessica Jansson at Stop, Drop and Roll
Jessica at Stop, Drop and Roll

Now check out the Orca skate video over here.


Words: Emma Fastesson Lindgren
Photos: Emma Fastesson Lindgren & Katta Sterner