It’s Yeah Girl 2.0

February 7th, 2022

Back in 2016, we designed a quick logo for what we thought would be the first and only Yeah Girl photo show. Little did we know that the photo show would carry on for 4 years, across 3 continents, and that Yeah Girl would grow into the global community and media platform that it is today.

A lot has happened since those humble beginnings so we decided it was time for a whole new look (with a logo we can finally be proud of!). Hit play on the video above to take a look back at all the fun from the last 6 years of Yeah Girl and a glimpse of where we’re heading.

As skateboarders, it’s all about the movement, so we called in a creative wiz (with a mean kickflip) to help us bring our new logo to life. Thank you Esther Park for your badass animation skills!

Not only do we have a fresh new look, but we’ve also been working with our friends at Thirteen Digital to enhance a few features on our website so that your experience here is as smooth as one of Vanessa Torres’ roll-away recoveries.

Yeah Girl has always been about inclusivity and now our website is more inclusive and accessible than ever. That little icon you can see down in the right-hand corner is our new accessibility menu. The menu includes settings that can be changed to create a better user experience for those who are vision-impaired, elderly, or dyslexic.

We’ve also added a progress bar to the top of our longer articles and interviews so you always know how far into a piece you are. Think of it like the Tony Hawk Pro Skater special score bar, but this one goes up as you learn more about the rad ladies of shred that we feature.

Last year we ran our first skate photography workshop in Australia and had a lot of interest from around the world for an online version. Well, we heard you, and now it’s here! And best of all, it’s totally free to download. Yeah Girl began as a photo show so photography has always been an important part of what we do, and we’re excited to share some of that knowledge with you. Download your free PDF of the Yeah Girl Guide to Skate Photography here.

Thank you for being a part of the Yeah Girl story up until now. Here’s to the next chapter!